Jane, Al-Qaeda:
The Terror Network that Threatens the World,
(New York: Thunders Mouth Press, 2002). 315 pages. $24.95
by Robert Windorf
here to purchase "Al-Qaeda:
The Terror Network that Threatens the World"
directly from
al-Qaeda has faded from the daily headlines focus on Iraq, the
terrorist organization is hardly dead and buried. Indeed, there
is a good chance that the organization will strike again against
the West, in particular, the United States. For anyone looking
for a well-written and researched book on this radical Islamic
organization, Jane Corbins Al-Qaeda: The Terror Network
that Threatens the World makes for a comprehensive read. Corbin
is a senior reporter for the BBCs flagship current affairs
program, Panorama and has become an expert on Middle Eastern terrorist
movements. She also did a Panorama Special Towards Zero
Hour, following 9/11, which revealed in considerable detail
how the hijackers plotted their assault on the United States.
The fundamental thrust of Al-Qaeda is to reveal who and
what al-Qaeda is and what are its objectives. It is also about
the Wests response to the threat of this particular terrorist
group. As to al-Qaedas objectives, Corbin quotes Osama bin-Laden
(1998): Every grown-up Muslim hates Americans, Jews and
Christians. It is part of our belief and our religion. Since I
was a boy I have been at war with and harboring hatred of Americans.
Simply stated, al-Qaedas objectives are to free the Middle
East, in particular, Saudi Arabia (the home of the two holy cities
of Mecca and Medina) from being occupied by American
troops and being dominated by the West. This means overthrowing
local, pro-Western governments and striking at the West and Israel.
Corbin traces the roots of al-Qaeda back to the Soviet occupation
of Afghanistan and follows the adventures of bin-Laden as he became
involved in the anti-Soviet war effort. She also notes his growing
hostility to the Saudi regime and the United States. At the close
of the failed Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, bin-Laden has
emerged as a key international personality in what was soon to
grow into a truly international organization of terror.
One of the strong points of Corbins book is her examination
of how the West failed to fully detect the growing threat from
al-Qaeda. As she notes, the Wests political correctness
and very openness was adeptly used against it, even after the
bombings in East Africa in 1998. Corbin states of the Western
is a tale of weakness and exploitation and a failure of imagination.
Al-Qaeda, fundamentally a product of the Arab world, could only
flourish in a free and forgiving climate, unlike that of many
Middle Eastern countries, where harsh regimes stick to the only
form of rule recognized and respected by militant Islamic organizations.
Bin Ladens group turned instead to the softer underbelly
of the West; to democracies with respect for human rights, more
open immigration policies and laws that restricted intelligence
and law enforcement agencies. Bureaucratic turf wars, complacency,
military timidity and political weakness, not to mention political
correctness, contributed to our inability to deal with these extremists,
until it was too late to save the lives of thousands.
Corbin also offers insights into Allied military operations against
al-Qaeda and Taliban forces, following the end of the Afghan war.
Operation Tora Bora, which ended the first round of fighting,
probably let Osama bin Laden out of the country and into Pakistan,
in part due to relying on inept local forces. Operation Anaconda,
which followed, was also not the raging success the U.S. military
portrayed it. Rather, Corbin suggests Afghanistan will not be
a story of quick military victories, but will have to be a long-term
commitment, considering the countrys complex political realities
and the porous nature of the borders with Pakistan, itself divided
with cleavages between more secular and fundamentalist Muslims
as well as a myriad of tribal and regional loyalties.
Corbin offers a sobering, journalistic account of a major problem
facing the West something destined to be around for a long
time. She believes that Western governments must continue to reassess
terrorist laws and what political correctness means both
from a societal stance and from a security viewpoint. Corbin concludes
with this warning: It is not a question of whether we will
see another terrorist outrage but when and where and how
many innocent lives it will claim.
Coughlin, Saddam
King of Terror (New York: Harper Collins,
2002). 350 pages. $26.95
here to purchase "Saddam
King of Terror
directly from
Scott B. MacDonald
It has become popular to write about Saddam Hussein. Indeed,
a small sea of ink is now dedicated to explaining how a man
who became one of the most powerful Arab leaders in modern times
emerged from a hard and deprived childhood. Yet, Saddam is now
well-known through the world for presiding over a near-totalitarian
regime and for bringing the world down the path of another Middle
Eastern war. One of the books that stands out from the pack
is Con Coughlins Saddam King of Terror, which in
some ways harkens back to Samir al-Khalils Republic of
Fear (1989) in terms of chronicling the brutish, but methodical
nature of Saddams Baathist regime.
Coughlin sets the tone of his book in the very beginning by
stating: Writing a biography of Saddam Hussein is like
trying to assemble the prosecution case against a notorious
criminal gangster. Most of the key witnesses have either been
murdered, or are too afraid to talk. To Coughlin, Saddam
is a creation of his roots, much like Hitler and Stalin, who
also overcome their less auspicious starts in life to take absolute
control of their respective nations. As he notes, The
shame of his humble origins was to become the driving force
of his ambition, while the deep sense of insecurity that he
developed as a consequence of his peripatetic childhood left
him pathologically incapable in later life of trusting anyone
-- including his immediate family.
Saddam began his political career as a political thug, gradually
climbing up the ranks of the Baathist party, especially following
the 1968 coup that brought them to power. The climb to power
was one marked by ruthlessness and tenacity. Much like Stalin,
Saddam focused on the machinery of the state, quietly assuming
power. By July 1979, Saddam officially became the president
of Iraq, then one of the more developed and wealthiest Arab
nations. He followed this by purges of the Baath party, the
military and the bureaucracy. In the place of many of the fallen,
Saddam placed his family and trusted cohorts.
What makes Saddam such an interesting historical figure is that
he was not content with ruling just Iraq. Bigger dreams beckoned.
In many regards, he saw himself as a modern-day Saladin, being
the man to re-unify the Arab world and re-take Jerusalem. In
this, he sought to carve up his bigger neighbor Iran, which
had incited Iraqs local Shitte population. The ensuing
war was to last from 1980 to 1988, result in wrecking the Iraqi
economy and leaving thousands dead or wounded from the brutal,
yet inconclusive conflict. Only a couple of years later, Saddam
launched the invasion of Kuwait. That was to end up with the
near-destruction of the Saddam regime.
What Coughlin finds the most interesting is Saddam Husseins
ability to survive. Despite major setbacks, numerous coups and
assassination attempts, and the hostility of the United States,
the bully of Baghdad has managed to cling to power.
He attributes this to Saddams ability to maintain control
over the security apparatus, rely on only a very small group
of people, and the regimes manipulation of the countrys
oil wealth. The last always allowed Saddam to buy the necessary
weapons from the outside world and to have some degree of largesse
for keeping the key troops happy.
Coughlins book is certainly timely and informative. It
paints a picture of a man who is clearly an over-achiever in
the most bizarre sense a dictator willing and ready to
eliminate, though continuous purges anyone that remotely resembled
a threat. At the same time, Coughlin is certain that Saddam
has been active in seeking to re-arm Iraq, including with weapons
of mass destruction. As he noted: even the medical supplies
shipped in by the U.N. were exploited by the regime, and ended
up being sold on the black market in Jordan, the profits being
channeled back to the Presidential Palace in Baghdad. The lions
share of the substantial income Saddam received from these various
illicit activities was spent on arms. Most of the arms
came from China, North Korea, Russia and Serbia.
Whether or not one agrees with the Bush administrations
decision to pursue war with Iraq, anyone reading Coughlins
book comes off not wishing Saddam Hussein well. At the same
time, it also makes one wonder about difficult nature of the
rocky soil that Iraq will offer for any attempt to create a
democratic government in a post-Saddam society.
Beaumont, The
Railway King: A Biography of George Hudson, Railway Pioneer
and Fraudster,
(London: Review, 2002). 274 pages UK Pounds 14.99
by Scott
B. MacDonald
here to purchase The
Railway King: A Biography of George Hudson, Railway Pioneer
and Fraudster
directly from
a world currently marked by corporate scandals and the controversial
figures behind them, it is often instructive to remember that
we have been on this stage before. History is filled with scoundrels,
rouges, and hucksters. Despite being labeled as such, not all
scandal-linked individuals are necessarily evil
and, indeed, in a warped way, some good has come out of their
efforts. One such individual that has been much vilified, but
arguably did some good was George Hudson, known in the 19th
century as the railway king. In his well-researched
and easily readable The Railway King, Robert Beaumont,
a journalist for the York-based Yorkshire Evening Press, undertakes
the challenge of a man who led a turbulent and mould-breaking
existence. According to Beaumont, Hudson was many things,
probably the most significant of which was his role in Great
Britains industrial revolution, in particular, with the
development of railways.
Hudson began life in 1800 in relatively poor surroundings in
Yorkshire. He was apparently kicked out of his home for fathering
an illegitimate child. From those humble beginnings, Hudson
was to work his way up at a drapers firm. However, in 1827,
fortune smiled on him as a distant relative died and left him
a small fortune. He took part of that inheritance and bought
shares of the North Midland Railway. Over time, he came to control
over a third of Britains rail network, which mostly hubbed
out of York. Indeed, Hudson made York a commercial hub as he
quickly grasped, ahead of many others, that rail travel was
the wave of the future. In this, he was similar to those that
understood that the Internet was a revolutionary breakthrough.
He was also an excellent salesman, which helped him sway many
to put their money into his companys shares. At his high
point, Hudson employed tens of thousands of workers, was a leading
member of the Conservative Party, and laid hundreds of miles
of virgin track.
Yet, for all the positives of Hudsons life, there was
a downside. As did the Internet in its time, rail in its time
was a major force in financial markets, capable of creating
and destroying great fortunes through speculation. In this Hudson
was a primary force. He was a man of vision and an excellent
salesman. He was also a polarizer people tended to either
really like and trust him or hate him. Part of the reason for
this Beaumont notes, was that his subject was a mass of
contradictions: immensely hard-working, yet dangerous self-indulgent;
tremendously generous, yet a purveyor of the sharpest financial
practices; poorly educated and roughly spoken, but a quick-witted
visionary; and unbearably arrogant, yet strongly humble at the
What did Hudson in was his financial practices sloppy
at best, intentional at worst, he offered investors big dividends,
but eventually questionable profits. In a sense, the finances
behind Hudsons many railway companies were like so many
ponzi-schemes, with new money in, new money to old investors,
while the newest contributors waited for their profits. At the
same time, Beaumont notes: The problem was that he had
difficulty in differentiating between his own interests and
those of his companies, but that is a failing common to autocratic
businessmen. (Look at the former heads of Tyco International,
WorldCom and Adelphia). He further elaborates: It is essential
that George Hudson was simply behaving in exactly the same manner
as the other managers and directors of Britains railway
companies across the country. They were making up the rules
as they went along, as occasionally happens in fast-growing
new industries.
Hudson was eventually voted out of the House of Commons, saddled
with large debts from failed companies, hounded by creditors
and angry company boards, and viciously attacked by his detractors.
At one stage, he fled to France, where he lived well below his
former splendor. Hudson finally was able to return from exile
and be re-united with his wife, who he had left behind. He was
to die in 1871, though his name was to remain considerably tarnished
until recently.
Considering the current round of fascination with business scandals
and the key personalities involved, Beaumonts book about
George Hudson reminds us that these figures are far more complex
than being transfixed between simple faces of good and evil.
At the end of the day, they must be seen as simply individuals,
forced to make decisions about how to conduct their business
for the better or the worse. However, for this reviewer,
Hudson remains a far more sympathetic figure than the top management
at Enron, WorldCom or Qwest. Rules and regulations concerning
corporate governance were rudimentary during Hudsons day;
today the rules and regulations are far more clear-cut. While
Hudson is perhaps entitled to a fair shake in the historical
sense, it is likely that Bernie Ebbers, Kenneth Lay and Ralph
Nuccio will have to wait much longer. We strongly recommend
Beaumonts The Railway King.
A. Kabak, C.
H. Kwan,