Russell L. Smith and Caroline G. Cooper, Willkie Farr & Gallagher
A policy battle is raging in Washington and, not surprisingly,
it’s over China. The Bush Administration
and a bipartisan group of legislators are at
odds over how best to address long-standing concerns
about the U.S. trade deficit with China, alleged
currency manipulation by the Chinese government,
and China’s failure to attack intellectual
property rights (“IPR”) violations
aggressively. Since the beginning of 2005, Members
of Congress have introduced a range of initiatives
on these issues that, if approved and signed
into law, could make sweeping changes to U.S.
trade law, return the United States to an era
of Smoot-Hawley trade policy, and affect trade
with far more countries than China. The Administration’s
response so far has been opposition to most new
legislation and increasingly harsher rhetoric
about China’s unfair trade practices. Recently,
both President Bush and Treasury Secretary Snow
made public statements saying the Chinese government
must hasten its adoption of a market-based exchange
If the reaction from Senators at the recent confirmation
hearing of USTR-designate Robert Portman is any indication
of what may lie ahead for the Administration on China
policy, then the fight is only just beginning. Representative
Portman (R-OH) won some praise from Senators by vowing
to “get tough” on China and empathizing with
their concerns about the Chinese government’s unfair
trade practices based on experiences his own constituents
have had in trying to compete with Chinese imports. Although
the Committee unanimously endorsed Portman for the position
of USTR, this collegial relationship will not last when
he becomes a member of the Bush Administration unless
he goes beyond rhetoric and produces concrete results.
Finding the right balance between President Bush’s
policy goals with respect to China and Congressional
protectionist pressures on the issue will be Portman’s
biggest challenge.
Congress Wants Action, Not Rhetoric
Fourteen bills and resolutions have been introduced in
the first session of the 109th Congress regarding China’s
unfair trade practices. These legislative initiatives
address a range of issues from China’s alleged
currency manipulation to suspending its permanent normal
trade relations status. Legislators have been motivated
to introduce these measures in part because of effective
lobbying by special interests who have been adversely
affected by Chinese imports, and also by interests who
wish to use such legislation as a vehicle for their complaints
against other countries.
Only a hand full of bills have received any serious attention.
A case in point is S.295, a bill introduced by Senators
Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to impose
an across-the-board tariff of 27.5 percent on Chinese
imports if, after a six-month period, negotiations between
the United States and China on the valuation of the yuan
prove unsuccessful. Similar legislation was introduced
by these Senators in the last Congress, but no action
was taken.
To the surprise of the Bush Administration and Republican
leaders, S.295 garnered considerable support recently
during Senate debate on the Foreign Affairs Authorization
Act, when Senators Schumer and Graham offered the bill
as an amendment. When an effort was made to remove the
amendment from consideration, the motion failed by a
resounding vote of 33-67. Schumer and Graham withdrew
the amendment from further consideration following an
agreement with Senate leaders to bring up S.295 for floor
consideration before July 26. House Republican leaders
were alarmed that S.295 received so much Senate support;
they now fear that a companion bill introduced in the
House could attract a similarly lopsided vote if it were
brought up for debate. Recently, Representative Sue Myrick
(R-NC) introduced related legislation (H.R.1575) in the
Even more disconcerting is news that Senator Evan Bayh
(D-IN) has placed a hold on USTR-designate Portman's
confirmation vote until Senate leaders agree to a vote
on legislation (S.593) he has cosponsored
to apply countervailing duties ("CVDs") to
nonmarket economies. As of press time this hold was still
in place. A "hold is an informal
means through which a Senator makes clear to the Majority
Leader that he or she may try to delay a vote on legislation
(or in this case a nomination) if the nomination is brought
up. Similar legislation has been introduced in the House.
As a result of these developments, an effort is afoot
in both the House and Senate to craft an omnibus China
bill with two purposes in mind: 1) to address legislators’ concerns
with respect to China, while at the same time not applying
stringent duties on Chinese imports; and 2) to link China
to votes on the U.S.-Central America/Dominican Republic
Free Trade Agreement (“CAFTA-DR”).
There have been numerous reports that any comprehensive
China legislation will contain provisions regarding currency
manipulation. Perhaps more alarming is the possibility
that language from H.R.1498 introduced recently by Representatives
Tim Ryan (D-OH) and Duncan Hunter (R-CA) to clarify that
exchange-rate manipulation by China is actionable under
several provisions of U.S. trade laws could be included
in such a bill. What is not readily recognized is that
H.R.1498 contains a provision that would create a new
remedy for currency intervention under the U.S. CVD laws.
This remedy would not be China-specific and could therefore
be used against any country. U.S. industry groups have
included both Korea and Japan in the discussion of alleged
currency manipulation.
The Administration’s Response
As the Bush Administration’s point person on China
trade policy, Portman must approach Congress with one
thought in mind: finding the right balance between the
competing interests of those U.S. companies that reap
benefits from investments in China and those companies
that are adversely affected by competition from China.
At his confirmation hearing, Portman sought to balance
his views by noting that China presents many opportunities
for U.S. businesses, while also sounding a sympathetic
tone in recognizing that it poses major challenges. Among
these challenges are the U.S. trade deficit with China,
restrictive industrial policies, limited market access
on goods and services, and lack of implementation of
its commitments on transparency and distribution rights.
Portman boldly pledged to take a hard line with respect
to China trade enforcement, specifically with regard
to poor IPR protection. As a first priority, he said
he would undertake a full review of all China trade issues
and travel to China to address key trade concerns with
his Chinese counterparts.
Portman’s comments seemed to placate some skeptical
legislators; however, when, consistent with Bush Administration
positions, he offered no support for legislation to punish
China for alleged currency manipulation and to apply
CVDs to nonmarket economies, Portman was at odds with
many Finance Committee members, including Republicans.
In so doing, Portman may have increased the resolve of
legislators to push hard to incorporate language on these
problems into a China trade bill.
With respect to alleged currency manipulation, Portman
said that the Treasury Department has the lead in this
regard, making it is very unlikely that a USTR under
Portman would accept for investigation a recently filed
Section 301 unfair trade practice petition on China’s
alleged currency manipulation. The China Currency Action
Coalition, which includes twelve U.S. Senators and twenty-three
Representatives, on April 20 filed the petition with
USTR, claiming that China’s actions provide an
export subsidy for Chinese products and thus violate
WTO rules. The most the Administration will do on this
issue in the near term is further criticize the Chinese
government for maintaining an undervalued currency in
the biannual Treasury Department report on foreign exchange
rate policies, and maintain its verbal pressures for
China to act soon.
On the issue of applying CVDs to nonmarket economies,
Portman said that doing so would be difficult, and cautioned
that applying CVDs could raise questions at the WTO.
Moreover, he noted that the United States would risk
having China assert its market economy status; he does
not believe that China should be designated as a market
Finding the right balance on China policy has important
implications for the Bush Administration, the most significant
of which is passage of CAFTA-DR. The Bush Administration
has been accused of doing little to back legislators
in their efforts to bolster support for CAFTA-DR, leaving
House and Senate Republicans with few options for gaining
additional support, especially from textile state representatives.
Thus, one motivation for Republican leaders to develop
China legislation has been to entice textile and other
manufacturing industry state representatives to support
CAFTA-DR. The big question is whether President Bush
would support such a China bill.
A bipartisan, leadership-supported China bill will pass
the House and Senate easily, unless President Bush takes
a strong position in opposition to it. At this time,
given U.S. impatience with China, what position Bush
would take on such a bill is open to question, particularly
if the bill is considered a “moderate” approach
compared to various current demands for imposing high
tariffs on all Chinese imports. If votes for CAFTA-DR
are conditioned on consideration of a China bill the
potential for its adoption will also increase. Bush and
Portman are trying to avoid linking these two trade initiatives,
but the political climate may be such that Bush is forced
to accept less than perfect outcomes on both issues if
he is to stay successfully balanced on the China trade