(JETRO) Leading Experts Address "Reform, Restructuring, and Results in Japan" in New York City Seminar to be held on July 16, 2002

NEW YORK--(Business Wire)--July 10, 2002

The Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), U.S. Department of State and Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) invite internationally-focused investors, executives, financial and service professionals, journalists and other interested individuals to hear from leading experts on how current restructuring and reform initiatives are dramatically transforming Japan's investment and corporate environment. It will be held at the McGraw-Hill Building Conference Auditorium (2nd Floor) in New York City on July 16,2002.

This event will be held without charge. Registration will begin at 8:00 A.M. and it will conclude at 2:00 P.M. following a luncheon session. Opportunities will be provided to accredited journalists who have an interest in interviewing speakers and other officials that are in attendance.

The tentative agenda for Reform, Restructuring, and Results: The
Investment Potential of Japan Seminar is as follows:

8:00--Registration and Coffee

8:30--Opening Remarks
* Hidehiro Konno, Vice Minister for International Affairs, Ministry
of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)

8:40--Panel One -- Reform: Changing Policy Environment
* Yoshinobu Nisaka, Deputy Director-General, Trade Policy Bureau, METI
* Masamitsu Shiseki, Counsellor, Civil Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Justice
* Yasusuke Tsukagoshi, Director, International Affairs Division, Planning
and Coordination Bureau, Financial Services Agency
* Robert F. Grondine, Partner, White & Case LLP
Panel Moderator: Arthur Mitchell, Partner, Coudert Brothers LLP

9:50--Coffee Break

10:05--Keynote Speech
* John Thain, President and Co-Chief Operating Officer, The Goldman Sachs Group

10:30--Keynote Speech
* Wataru Aso, Governor, Fukuoka Prefecture

10:55 --Panel Two -- Restructuring: Changing Business Environment
* Etsuro Honda, Deputy Consul General (Finance) and Minister, Embassy of
Japan to the United States
* Kenji Tsunekawa, Assistant Director-General for International Affairs,
International Affairs Division, Minister's Secretariat
* Yasuhiro Fujii, Director, Pension and Welfare Department, JETRO New York
* Shuichi Takahashi, Chief Executive Officer, Kansai Sawayaka Bank
* Richard Gitlin, Bingham McCutchen LLP (invited)
Panel Commenter: Wilbur L. Ross, Jr., Chairman and CEO, W.L. Ross & Co. LLC
Panel Moderator: Mark Mason, Director, Program on Alternative Investments,
Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Columbia University


12:45--Panel Three -- Results: Case Studies
* AIG: Donald P. Kanak, Jr., President, AIG Japan and Korea, President,
American Chamber of Commerce in Japan
* Bowne: Carl J. Crosetto, President, Bowne & Co., Inc.
* Johnson and Johnson: William D. Dearstyne, Company Group Chairman,
Johnson and Johnson
* Pfizer: Clive A. Hammant, Director, Licensing & Development Division, Pfizer Inc.
Panel Commenter: Hiroshi Tsukamoto, President, Japan External Trade Organization
Panel Moderator: Peter Landers, Wall Street Journal

1:55--Closing Remarks
* Alan P.Larson, Undersecretary for Economic, Business and Agricultural
Affairs, U.S. Department of State

"This event is designed to familiarize U.S. investors and business executives with the many changes and opportunities now arising in Japan's business environment", noted Satoshi Miyamoto, Executive Director, JETRO New York. "By exploring specific regulatory reforms as well as the real life experience of large and small U.S. firms who currently operate in Japan, we hope to provide the context that will enable U.S. companies and investors to more actively enter, and participate, in this increasingly
attractive market."

Investors, executives, financial and service professionals, journalists and other interested individuals are invited to register or request additional information by forwarding a request to the contact indicated below.


This material is published and disseminated by JETRO New York in coordination with KWR International, Inc., E-mail: kwrintl@kwrintl.com. JETRO New York is registered as an agent of the Japan External Trade Organization, Tokyo, Japan and KWR International, Inc. is registered on behalf of JETRO New York. This material is filed with the Department of Justice where the required registration statement is available for public viewing.

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