Japan’s $3+ Trillion Postal Privatization to Have Significant
Impact on Financial Markets
YORK -- December 22, 2004
The Japan External Trade Organization New York (JETRO NY) released
a newsletter today highlighting the privatization of Japanese
postal services. It can be viewed at:
A summary
is presented below:
- Japanese
Have Preferred Security of Bank Deposits to the Risk of
Equity Investment
The typical Japanese retail investor remains conservative
in their outlook. Many confuse investment and speculation
equate the
stock market with a casino. As a result, they have preferred
the security of guaranteed bank deposits and especially
that of the
Postal Savings System (PSS), even though this has resulted
in annual interest rate returns of less than 1%.
- Deposit-Guarantee Limits Mark a Major Additional Reform Measure
guarantees on banking deposits have allowed the Japanese public
to ignore the underlying stability
of Japanese financial institutions. Realizing
that this resulted in irresponsible behavior, in April 2002, the
Japanese government began imposing limits and next
year all interest-bearing
demand deposits in
banks will become subject to guarantee limits on deposits over ¥10
This is likely to have important consequences. Banks will have to
demonstrate their health and Japanese investors will no longer be
able to assume
their deposits are 100% guaranteed.
Combined with a general need to seek higher returns as more Japanese
citizens advance into retirement age, as well as creative marketing
by stronger
institutions, this is likely to increase general awareness, and the
perceived attractiveness
of different financial instruments and products.
- Privatizing Japan's Postal Savings System is the Next Reform
the most ambitious goal of Prime Minister Koizumi's government
has been the privatization of Japanese postal
services. This includes
Japan's PSS, with
deposits totaling approximately $3.3 trillion, which makes it
the largest financial institution in the world.
Japan's PSS privatization efforts stem from a growing recognition
that the current system represents a major barrier to developing
a more
efficient financial system.
Change is essential to allow the private sector to stand on its
own feet and to develop a banking and business culture that can
according to market mechanisms.
Basic Principles to Commence Postal Privatization Adopted in
In September, the Japanese cabinet adopted the basic principles
needed to privatize Japanese postal services over a ten-year
time frame.
Under this
plan, Japan Post's
four areas of service - mail delivery, management of post offices,
savings deposits and life insurance - will become separate businesses
in April
2007. Progressive
privatization will then occur over the following decade.
of Japan's PSS can be expected to lead to the development of
and efficient financial and capital markets
in Japan. This is true
because funds that were previously directed into the public
sector will then
be channeled into the private sector where they can be used
to revitalize existing firms and to support the needs
of emerging
- The
Impact of Postal Savings Privatization is Potentially Enormous
If the
Japanese public abandons the caution fostered by unlimited
government guarantees and preferential tax
treatment for
PSS deposits, and begins
to invest their savings in private banks and other investment
vehicles -- the
economy will never be the same. Huge amounts of pent-up
capital would then be moved into private financial markets.
would help to
bolster not
only Japan's
incipient economic recovery but, over time, financial
markets around the world.
PSS privatization will also push Japan to more efficiently
allocate capital and account for risk. The government
will be forced to
become more fiscally
Since the postal service would no longer be required
to purchase government securities, Japanese Government
(JGB) would
have to be sold to
private investors. They
are less likely to be forgiving about chronic budget
deficits and will need to perceive a risk-reward ratio
that effectively
ability of
JGB's to
provide stability, liquidity, diversification and Yen
exposure with the interest rate that is provided.
- The Resulting Funds Flows Have the Potential to Raise
Global Equity Investments
are many reasons for optimism over Japan's future, and the
potential for a $3 trillion+ inflow into
Japanese and other
over a
decade of postal
savings privatization cannot help but exert an additional
positive influence. At the same time, greater private
foreign and domestic
participation in the JGB market will require a gradual
transition away from the "zero interest rate
policy" that has existed in Japan since 1999.
For this reason Japan's Ministry of Finance is presently
planning road shows for foreign investors in New
York and London next
month. These
events will
familiarize investors with the government's plans
to privatize the PSS, the investment potential
of JGB's, as well as other recent trends and developments
that have made Japan one of the best performing and
most attractive
in the
world over the past year.
Data, statistics and the reference materials presented within this newsletter
have been compiled by JETRO from publicly-released media and research accounts.
Although these statements are believed to be reliable, JETRO does not guarantee
their accuracy, and any such information should be checked independently
by the reader before they are used to make any business or investment decision.
For additional
information on economic and financial trends in Japan, please contact
Tada, Executive Director of JETRO NY at
Tel: 212-997-0416,
E-mail: Akihiro_Tada@jetro.go.jp
Focus is published and disseminated by JETRO New York,
in coordination with KWR International, Inc., New York, NY 10023,
Tel: 212-532-3005, Fax: 212-799-0517, E-mail: kwrintl@kwrintl.com.
JETRO New York is registered as an agent of the Japan External Trade
Organization, Tokyo, Japan and KWR International, Inc. is registered
on behalf of JETRO
New York. This material is filed with the Department of Justice where
the required registration statement is available for public viewing.
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