JETRO: Lessons Learned and Advancing the US-Japan Relationship in Troubled Times New York, New York - February 9, 2009 - The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) released a newsletter today examining current financial turmoil and the US-Japan bilateral relationship. It can be viewed at: http://www.jetro.org/content/646 A summary is presented below: Global financial turmoil combined with calls for new ways to manage an increasingly interdependent global economy are just two of many trends... Commonly-held assumptions concerning the underlying strength of the US economy, as well as the emergence of the BRIC's and the theory of their economic decoupling were... Japan suffered through four recessions during the "lost decade" of the 1990's before returning to normalcy in 2001. The Nikkei index more than doubled from April 2003 to June 2007 as... Over the past sixty years the US-Japan bilateral relationship has gone through several phases. Following WWII, the US helped rebuild... Part of the reason for this more tranquil relationship is that Japanese firms learned from their past experience. After the trade wars and unfavorable reaction over high- profile trophy investments made.... Many parallels can be drawn between current developments in the US and the collapse of Japan's bubble economy in 1990. This includes issues relating to... To view the full contents of this newsletter please visit: http://www.jetro.org/content/646Data, statistics and the reference materials presented within this newsletter have been compiled by JETRO from publicly- released media and research accounts. Although these statements are believed to be reliable, JETRO does not guarantee their accuracy, and any such information should be checked independently by the reader before they are used to make any business or investment decision. For additional information on economic and financial trends in Japan, please contact us at http://www.jetro.org/contact or: Naritaka Nakaishi This material is distributed by JETRO New York, on behalf of Japan External Trade Organization, Tokyo, Japan in coordination with KWR International, Inc. Tel: 212-532-3005, E-mail: kwrintl@kwrintl.com. KWR International, Inc. is registered on behalf of JETRO. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. Website content © KWR International |