Japan Looks for Economic Growth in Emerging Asia:
Annual APEC Meeting in Yokohama to Emphasize Balanced, Inclusive, Sustainable, Innovative and Secure Growth in Region

New York, New York - November 8, 2010 - The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Focus Newsletter series provides readers with a snapshot of Japan's macroeconomy, as well as other important topics and trends. It is designed to analyze current developments, including those relating to Japan's economy, its business, financial, investment and political environment, as well as relevant social and cultural themes.

View the November 2010 Newsletter

A summary is presented below:

Japan Looks for Economic Growth in Emerging Asia: Annual APEC ...
Since the end of World War II, Japan has looked for economic growth in the United States and Western Europe, catering to the needs of...

Japan Recognizes Rising Importance of Emerging Economies
The dynamics of the global economy are changing. During the past century, global economic growth was primarily driven by activity in the "the three locomotives," the US, EU and Japan...

Emerging Asia Increasingly Drives Global Growth and Demand
The biggest potential within developing economies is likely to be in Emerging Asia. This is due to its size and scale, integration into global supply chains and the emergence of growing numbers of...

Japan Adjusts Policies and Strategies to Expand in Emerging Markets
As the global economic environment evolves and emerging markets assume greater relative importance, Japanese government and corporate leaders are moving to...

US and Developed Markets Balance and Support Global Development Efforts
When one talks about the potential of Emerging Asia, its improving fundamentals and the opportunities that will be realized through further economic integration, it is important to remember...

APEC Annual Meeting in Yokohama to Further Balanced, Inclusive, Sustainable, Innovative and Secure Growth in Region
APEC is a forum consisting of 21 Pacific Rim member economies. The forum was established in 1989 to strengthen the Asia-Pacific community by enhancing...

Emerging Asia Presents Significant Opportunities to Firms and Investors
The need to rebalance the global economy has opened the door to greater opportunities for investment and business activity in emerging and...

To view the full contents of this newsletter please visit:

View the Focus Newsletter archive

For additional information on economic and financial trends in Japan, please contact us at http://www.jetro.org/contact or:

Kenichi Kawamoto
Executive Director
JETRO New York Office
email: kenichi_kawamoto@jetro.go.jp
tel. +1-212-997-0416

This material is distributed by JETRO New York, on behalf of Japan External Trade Organization, Tokyo, Japan in coordination with KWR International, Inc., New York, NY 10016, Tel: 212-532-3005, Fax: 212-685-2413, E-mail: kwrintl@kwrintl.com. KWR International, Inc. is registered on behalf of JETRO. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.

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