Japan Faces Challenges of Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disaster

New York, New York - June 3, 2011 - The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Focus Newsletter series provides readers with a snapshot of Japan's macroeconomy, as well as other important topics and trends. It is designed to analyze current developments, including those relating to Japan's economy, its business, financial, investment and political environment, as well as relevant social and cultural themes.

View the June 2011 Newsletter

A summary is presented below:

Japan Faces Challenges of Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disaster
Japan entered 2011 with a bold determination to confront a wide range of economic challenges. This included installing a new Industrial Structure Vision, promoting stronger...

Japan was Intent on Realizing Prime Minister Kan's Vision
Prime Minister Naoto Kan entered 2011 preparing to lead Japan along a bold, new economic path. Confronted by an aging population, stagnating economy, and a high government debt....

Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Crisis Proves Most Destructive Event Since World War II
Just before 3:00 pm local time on March 11th, a massive undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 on the Richter scale struck Japan's northeastern coast, 400 kilometers from Tokyo. The earthquake generated a massive...

Japan Faces Many Obstacles as it Evaluates Damage and Initiates Reconstruction Process
In the wake of Japan‟s worst-recorded earthquake, tsunami, and a nuclear emergency, the Japanese people and government face a massive reconstruction effort. At this point, tireless relief efforts have focused on...

Crisis Provides Unprecedented Opportunity to Transform Japanese Economy and Society
In 2008, Rahm Emanuel, former chief of staff for President Barack Obama, stated to the Wall Street Journal, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste...it is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." On face, this sentiment...

Understanding is Essential to Evaluate Opportunities and Challenges
The March 11th earthquake, tsunami and resulting nuclear emergency has caused an unprecedented crisis that will fundamentally alter Japan‟s course as a nation. The tragedy is still...

To view the full contents of this newsletter please visit:

View the Focus Newsletter archive

For additional information on economic and financial trends in Japan, please contact us at http://www.jetro.org/contact or:

Kenichi Kawamoto
Executive Director
JETRO New York Office
email: kenichi_kawamoto@jetro.go.jp
tel. +1-212-997-0416

This material is distributed by JETRO New York, on behalf of Japan External Trade Organization, Tokyo, Japan in coordination with KWR International, Inc., New York, NY 10016, Tel: 212-532-3005, Fax: 212-685-2413, E-mail: kwrintl@kwrintl.com. KWR International, Inc. is registered on behalf of JETRO. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.

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