In recent years, the Republic of Korea has introduced numerous new economic policies, regulatory and other changes. Substantial progress has been achieved and Korea now possesses a far more diverse and open economy with more foreign involvement and investment than ever before. Businesses and investors around the world are increasingly aware of Korea’s technological prowess, its strategic location and the underlying attractiveness of its domestic economy.

U.S. firms and investors seeking to learn more about recent developments – and how they can benefit from the changes now underway -- are urged to meet with the visiting delegation of Korean business and government leaders who will be traveling to New York later this month.

The agenda will include discussion about the Free Trade Agreement now being negotiated between the US and Korean governments in an effort to provide new momentum to bilateral trade in goods and services between these two nations.

The Korea Investment Forum will be held without charge on June 28, 2006 in the Holmes Room at the New York Palace Hotel, located at 455 Madison Ave. (located at 50th Street) in New York City. Participation to this luncheon forum will be offered on a space available basis, with preference given to investors and executives who are active in technology, telecom, biotech, financial and business services, venture capital, private equity and other relevant sectors. Advance registration is encouraged and advised.

To confirm your complementary registration, or to request additional information concerning, the Korea Investment Forum, click here or contact

This material is published and disseminated by KWR International, Inc. on behalf of the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency New York (KOTRA). Additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.


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