KWR Library - 2006
December 31 |
KWR Special Report: The Middle East’s New Cold War: Shiite – Sunni Rivalry Constitutes a Growing Risk Factor |
December 31 |
KWR Book Reviews:
H.W. Brands, The Money Men: Capitalism, Democracy, and the Hundred Years’ War Over the American Dollar
Adam Roberts, The Wonga Coup: Guns, Thugs and A Ruthless Determination to Create Mayhem In An Oil-Rich Corner of Africa |
December 31 |
KWR Special Report: A New Start in Mexico |
December 20 |
KWR Special Report: The New (Democratic) Congress and Trade: A Challenge to Trade Liberalization |
December 20 |
KWR Special Report: What’s In The Pipeline for South America |
November 13 |
Deutsche Bank Appointed as Depositary Bank for the Global Depositary Receipt Programs Of JSC SeverStal |
November 11 |
JETRO: Japan Adapts to Changing Economic and Social Fundamentals |
Sept. 25 |
New Yorker: Dept. of Gridlock: Wonk Week |
Sept. 25 |
Resource Investor: Apex Silver Partners With Sumitomo in Bolivia |
Sept. 22 |
Dow Jones Newswire: Bolivia President: $150M Revenue From Energy Nationalization |
Sept. 22 |
El Diario: Evo Morales: ‘No queremos someter ni subordinar a nadie’ (Spanish Only) |
Sept. 21 |
MSN: Morales pide extraditar políticos presuntos implicados en matanza (Spanish Only) |
Sept. 21 |
EFE: Pide Morales a EU se extraditen políticos bolivianos (Spanish Only) |
Sept. 13 |
Asia Times: What Japan's next leader must do |
Sept. 12 |
KWR Special Report: The New Cuba?: Waiting for the Old Man to Go Back to the Sea |
Sept. 8 |
JETRO: Japan Prepares to Enter the Post-Koizumi Era |
August 22 |
Nagase Kenko: Interview Concerning Youth Baseball Clinic with Staten Island Yankees |
August 14 |
KWR Special Report: Somalia’s Dangerous Path |
August 8 |
FMNN: eRadio Interview with Keith Rabin on Investing in a Post-Fidel Cuba |
August 3 |
KWR Special Report: Thirsting For a Cuba Libre |
July 27 |
KWR Special Report: Ethanol: Is it Viable? |
July 14 |
KWR Special Report: Overview of Global Steel Industry |
July 11 |
KWR Special Report: Somalia, Radical Islam and the Sea Lanes |
June 29 |
Bloomberg TV: KWR International's Rabin: Bush-Koizumi Meeting Outlook |
June 29 |
EE Times: Korea seeks to bolster economic status |
June 29 |
JETRO: Japan Addresses Challenges to Future Growth and Development |
June 23 |
KWR Special Report: Korea’s Next Stage – Perfecting the Manufacturing-Services Continuum |
June 14 |
EE Times: Forum in NYC to address Korean investment |
June 14 |
Asia Times: Investing in Korea: New York to host forum |
May 19 |
Nagase Kenko: Matsui: The Pride of the Yankees |
May 18 |
KWR International Advisor #35 |
May 11 |
Business Edge: U.S. network swoons over commodities boom |
May 11 |
KWR Book Review: Nanomi Shiono, The Fall of Constantinople |
May 11 |
KWR Special Report: More Fun With Metals |
May 11 |
KWR Special Report: Iran, Oil and East Asia |
May 10 |
KWR Special Report: Labor Shortages in the Resource Sector |
April 24 |
KWR Special Report: U.S. China Trade: Examining the "Disconnect" |
April 12 |
Mineweb: Junior Miners May Rival Dot-Com Era |
April 11 |
KWR Market Viewpoint: Institutional Embrace of Resource Market: Risk, Junior’s, Asia, Emerging Markets, Energy, $600 Gold and $12 Silver |
April 1 |
bpOrbit: Offshore R&D Takes Off |
March 29 |
KWR International Advisor #34 |
March 27 |
KWR Special Report: The Future of Religion in Europe? |
March 21 |
Nagase Kenko: Japan crowned Classic's first champ (courtesy of |
March 20 |
KWR Viewpoints: Rejection of Dubai Port Deal: Bringing Back Smoot Hawley? |
March 7 |
KWR Book Reviews:
Sheridan Prasso, The Asian Mystique: Dragon Ladies, Geisha Girls and Our Fantasies of the Exotic Orient
Tim Clark & Carl Kay, Saying Yes To Japan: How Outsiders Are Reviving A Trillion Dollar Services Market |
March 7 |
Argenpress: De burbuja en burbuja (Spanish only) |
March 6 |
KWR Special Report: Swimming on an Ethanol Sea – An Alternative Energy Source Coming of Age? |
March 6 |
KWR Special Report: China – Waiting for the Post-Olympic Bubble? |
March 6 |
KWR Special Report: Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions and the Price of Oil |
Feb 13 |
Forbes Asia: Hip-Hop, a la Bibimbap |
Feb 11 |
NCEIF: Global Outlook - Precipitous Decline or Slow Economic Adjustment? (Vietnamese Only) |
Feb 1 |
JETRO: Japanese Economy Remains Strong After Record 2005 Performance |
January 6 |
Star Ledger: Scholarships for collegians are perfect fit Clothing millionaires aid minority students |